Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rant #1

I love my husband, I really do. Most of the time he is a great listener, a wonderful friend and a supportive husband. But then he'll do something and make me realize that even though he is maybe more sensitive than most, he is still a MAN. And so I bring you, 10 things he has done to make me nuts this week.

1) When I go out, it would be nice to come home to no dishes in the sink. Yes, you are watching the kids. But I watch them during the week and manage to do all the housework. Why can't you?

2) When you bring the plates to the sink, don't stack them with the leftover food still on them. Because when I am washing them and come across hunks of leftover meat or salad, it angers me. Scrape the plates and stack them neatly.

3) The laundry basket is overflowing. Throw a load in.

4) Don't complain about having no work shirts/pants that are clean. Do something about it. Throw a load in.

5) When you are finished giving the boys their baths, empty the tub.

6) Please try not to wear your shoes in the house. It's winter, they are wet. And I am sick of grabbing a sponge to clean up after you. Because if I don't the child will play in the water and make a bigger mess.

7) You saw him smear a piece of cheese against the window. How can you not notice the marks? Grab the windex and clean it up!

8) Must you encourage the children to be so loud when you get home?

9) Yes we have 1 cat and 2 dogs and it is reasonable to expect some pet hair to accumulate. But if you see that they are shedding and want to brush them, please do it outside. Or at the very least, sweep when you are done. A quick cleanup by hand will not cut it.

10) When the baby is crying for the millionth time please don't get annoyed. Yes, it's tiring. Yes, you want to relax. But I've been home all day and have had to deal with it and don't want to hear about how tired you are tonight.

He's taken Oliver out for a few hours and I am home with Tristan. Is it sad that all I want to do is vacuum and try to clean up and get a little organized? When he's home "alone" he does things he wants to do and says to hell with the housework. Why do I find that so difficult? Oh to be a man!

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