Sunday, January 13, 2008


What a great idea. A place where we can be ourselves, completely anonymous, and not worry about family and friends reading our most personal thoughts.
I used to be the quiet tenant however with the addition of 2 boys under 2, the noise level has increased significantly. Add to the mix a husband who likes to crank up the tunes, 2 dogs and a semi blind cat and we are the tenants everyone knows as "those people". Yup, that's us.
I am currently on my mat leave (#2 is 5 months old) but am returning to work part-time beginning Friday. Mixed feelings there, I'll get into it another time. I am a bit goofy, cute, funny and sarcastic. I love fruit, the outdoors and those jumbo sour keys from the bulk store. I hate squirrels, chocolate mint anything and Carrot Top (the comedian). And my MIL drives me nuts.
I think I'm gonna like it here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha--I have a feeling MOST of us are "the noisy tenants" in this building! Welcome to the group! We LOVE mother-in-law stories!