Thursday, January 31, 2008

Remember When?

This morning it took us 50 minutes to get ready and out the door. Seriously. It took that long to get the boys changed and dressed, me dressed and groomed (I am very low maintenance), Tristan in his car seat and Oliver in coat and shoes.
It made me think of the way it used to be.
Remember when

- you could wake up and then lie in bed for a bit
- you could spend the entire weekend in your pjs in front of the tv
- you could leave the house in the time it took you to throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt
- you could go out when you wanted without worrying about snacks and naps and diapers

Which makes me think
Remember when

- you'd never held a newborn
- you'd never seen the first smile or heard the first laugh
- you'd never gotten a toddler hug or a moist toddler kiss
- you'd never looked into your kids eyes and felt tears well up in your own because you are so in love with them

Yeah. I think I'd rather have the second option.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good Times

I am feeling really good about myself lately. There are several reasons for this improvement:

1) I am sleeping better. Tristan is in bed by 7 pm, then wakes up between 11:30 and midnight, then sleeps again until 6 am. That's 6 hours of sleep I am now getting in a row. Double what I have been getting up until now. I'll take it.

2) I am exercising again. Love those endorphins and muscle ache.

3) Tristan is (slowly) growing out of his crabby baby stage and into the babbling smiley baby stage. This is one of my favourite baby ages. I love the babbling, they are still really portable, and I love making baby food.

4) Oliver is quite charming. He is less clingy and has become quite chatty and outgoing. Two days a week in daycare seems to be a really good amount of time for him. He loves his days there and always wants to show me around when I pick him up ("Mom! Yook! Mom! Come! Yook!"). It sucks that he will have to go back 5 days a week in August. Ah well, that's life.

5) I'm feeling organized in terms of groceries and dinner, which have always been a bit hard for me. I am planning a bit better and only shop once a week. OK, maybe 2-3 times a week but that's better than it used to be. And it's nice to have things on hand (chicken fingers! perogies! salmon!) for those days I don't feel like cooking but still need to feed everyone.

6) Brad and I are doing well. We were never not doing well, but sometimes I am totally off the wave with him and he makes me nuts. Not so much lately.

Looks like all my stars are aligned. Which means this will last all of one day and then someone won't sleep or someone will have a crabby day or something and it will all go to hell.

But for now, things are good.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Little luxury

The boys are tucked in.
The toys are picked up.
The dishes are done.
The counters are (relatively) clean.
I am in bed reading blogs and eating licorice.
Is there anything quite so luxurious?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Thoughts for a Monday

We had a nice weekend. Sometimes they go really fast and it feels like we are running around the whole time. Sometimes they drag on and I find myself looking forward to Monday when things get back to normal. This one was a nice mix of both: some activities and some time to hang around the house and do very little.
We decided to rejoin the YMCA on Friday. I have been missing the activities, mostly the pool. When I was swimming on a regular basis I felt good. My body felt toned, my clothes fit nicely and I felt healthy. I am not really a scale person but mostly go on how I am feeling. Lately I am feeling big and felt ready to do something about it.
This morning I dropped Oliver off at daycare and took Tristan to the Y. I left him at the childminding there, hoping he wouldn't be crabby (which he is apt to be) and went for a swim. I was expecting it to be a slow and hard workout but was pleasantly surprised. I did my warmup and then 10 laps (1 lap = there and back) of front crawl. And I felt ok! Then I did my cool down and hit the showers. I am feeling kind of achey and tired in a good way and am looking forward to a good nights sleep.Tristan was good at the childminding, he was asleep part of the time and then watched the other kids the rest of the time. He was all smiles when he saw me again. It felt nice to do something for myself.

On an unrelated note, a question about weaning. I am currently still breastfeeding as this child refuses to take a bottle. I am kind of feeling like I want to stop nursing but Tristan is not. He is not really a fan of the bottle so far. Oliver weaned himself naturally, it was really quick and painless for both of us, but I sense that will not be the case this time around.
Is it wrong to want to stop doing it before the baby wants to? He is almost 6 months old and has been exclusively breastfed up until this point.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rant #1

I love my husband, I really do. Most of the time he is a great listener, a wonderful friend and a supportive husband. But then he'll do something and make me realize that even though he is maybe more sensitive than most, he is still a MAN. And so I bring you, 10 things he has done to make me nuts this week.

1) When I go out, it would be nice to come home to no dishes in the sink. Yes, you are watching the kids. But I watch them during the week and manage to do all the housework. Why can't you?

2) When you bring the plates to the sink, don't stack them with the leftover food still on them. Because when I am washing them and come across hunks of leftover meat or salad, it angers me. Scrape the plates and stack them neatly.

3) The laundry basket is overflowing. Throw a load in.

4) Don't complain about having no work shirts/pants that are clean. Do something about it. Throw a load in.

5) When you are finished giving the boys their baths, empty the tub.

6) Please try not to wear your shoes in the house. It's winter, they are wet. And I am sick of grabbing a sponge to clean up after you. Because if I don't the child will play in the water and make a bigger mess.

7) You saw him smear a piece of cheese against the window. How can you not notice the marks? Grab the windex and clean it up!

8) Must you encourage the children to be so loud when you get home?

9) Yes we have 1 cat and 2 dogs and it is reasonable to expect some pet hair to accumulate. But if you see that they are shedding and want to brush them, please do it outside. Or at the very least, sweep when you are done. A quick cleanup by hand will not cut it.

10) When the baby is crying for the millionth time please don't get annoyed. Yes, it's tiring. Yes, you want to relax. But I've been home all day and have had to deal with it and don't want to hear about how tired you are tonight.

He's taken Oliver out for a few hours and I am home with Tristan. Is it sad that all I want to do is vacuum and try to clean up and get a little organized? When he's home "alone" he does things he wants to do and says to hell with the housework. Why do I find that so difficult? Oh to be a man!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We're sick. All of us. Brad stayed home from work today and we are all hanging around at home. It was actually kind of nice this morning... he played with the boys and I had a nap! (Very often when he is home he will try and do his things and I am stuck entertaining the kids).
Now it's just after noon, both boys are asleep and I am still in bed :) It's snowing and cold out so I don't plan on going anywhere for the rest of the day.
PS Is there anything sadder than a sick baby? The runny nose, the sad little eyes, the little coughs.... it breaks my heart :(

Friday, January 18, 2008

Work and such

Today was my first day "back" at work. It's kind of a long story but basically I was offered a promotion and substantial raise to cut my mat leave short and go back to work (Tristan is 5 months old). Originally I was to go in 2 days a week as well as doing stuff from home but turns out they didn't want to run the risk of me getting injured in the facility when technically I shouldn't be there. SO.... I am working only from home (woo hoo) and going in Friday mornings ("visiting") for staff meetings. Totally worked out for me since I would rather work in my pjs on my couch, and I look good since I was willing to come in but legally am unable to. ha ha ha.
Anyhow, today was my first "visit" and my boss announced the promotion. I am not officially a Team Leader. Wow. I am looking forward to it. Not only the financial aspect (although woohoo again) but from a motivated to do a good job and be successful aspect. Which I have never felt before.

In a completely unrelated story, Brad used the f word tonight, not angrily but more in a descriptive way ("that's a lot of f****ing cars) and Oliver totally tried to repeat the word! Holy crap! We weren't sure if we should laugh or be horrified! We totally need to start monitoring our language lest he drop the f bomb at the in-laws or daycare or something!

hey, wait a second... this is my secret apartment. I can actually type the whole word. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. how liberating.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Taking my cue from Constance the Gazillionth, here are some things I don't normally tell people:

1) I haven't gotten my legs waxed in 9 weeks. In my defense, the hair does grow back finer and I am scheduled to go tomorrow, but still. It's kind of grossing me out. (I realize I could shave but then I am scared the hair will grow back coarse and thick.... is that an urban legend? did anyone else's mom tell them that or is it just mine?)

2) I think I might want another kid. If I do get pregant again, I don't want to know the sex ahead of time, I want to be surprised.

3) My husband sings a lot. Which drives me nuts. But I don't say anything because he obviously does it because he's happy and it seems wrong to get pissed off at someone who is so happy.

4) I usually have a glass of wine every night. My dad was/is an alcoholic, and I get scared that I will be too.

5) I don't like olives.

6) I like the colour yellow but it looks awful on me. I'm too white.

7) I don't wear makeup but I wish I did. I am terrible at applying eye liner and whenever I try, even just for practice, I look like Amy Winehouse. So I just stay natural.

8) I like walking. A lot. The boys and I go to the park almost everyday and walk about 5 km every time.

9) I would like to learn how to play tennis.

10) I have no idea how to do anything on Blogger. I wanted to link to Constance the Gazillionth but I have no idea how.


I am buying myself some free time while the boys are occupied.
Tristan is napping.
Oliver is throwing raisins at the dogs. I keep giving him more raisins so that he can keep throwing them at the dogs and making them run and get them.
I figure we do what we have to do. And right now, I don't feel like doing a hell of a lot.
Is that wrong?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


2 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away

3 beds with fresh clean sheets

1 clean bathroom

2 boxes of groceries purchased and put away

163 new blog posts to read

1 cup of pomegranate vanilla tea

2 sleeping children

1 quiet house


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cry It Out

Last night was the second night of Operation: Cry It Out where we let Tristan cry it out at night. Sunday night was rough. Last night, not so much.
I am walking around without feeling like curling up in a dark corner and closing my eyes. Woo hoo!

Monday, January 14, 2008


Last night my mind was abuzz with possible post ideas. So many things to get off my mind, to share, to vent and to complain about. Where to start?
The question was answered this morning. I packed up the boys and headed to W-Mart to get some diapers, and assorted miscellaneous items. As I pushed the cart along the aisles, I started feeling sorry for myself. Here I am, once again, shopping at W-Mart. Same old crap.
Why can't I be shopping at Target?
Why? Because I live in Canada.
Brace yourselves.
We don't have Target.
In fact
I have never been to Target.
However, I think that I would love it. When I read other blogs everyone is always going to Target and buying cute, discounted items. Target is a happy destination, not like W-Mart, which is a form of torture.
I love my country. I love the free health care. I love the year long (paid) maternity leave I am entitled to. I love our wilderness and our Tim Hortons coffee and our CBC television. And most of the time, 99% of the time, I would not trade it for anything.
But then, like this morning, as I trudge across the icy W-Mart parking lot, I wish I were across the border going to Target.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


What a great idea. A place where we can be ourselves, completely anonymous, and not worry about family and friends reading our most personal thoughts.
I used to be the quiet tenant however with the addition of 2 boys under 2, the noise level has increased significantly. Add to the mix a husband who likes to crank up the tunes, 2 dogs and a semi blind cat and we are the tenants everyone knows as "those people". Yup, that's us.
I am currently on my mat leave (#2 is 5 months old) but am returning to work part-time beginning Friday. Mixed feelings there, I'll get into it another time. I am a bit goofy, cute, funny and sarcastic. I love fruit, the outdoors and those jumbo sour keys from the bulk store. I hate squirrels, chocolate mint anything and Carrot Top (the comedian). And my MIL drives me nuts.
I think I'm gonna like it here!