Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Role Reversal

For probably close to a year, I have been the second choice when it comes to parent preference with Oliver.
Daddy had to hold his hand
Daddy had to feed him his cereal
Daddy had to buckle him into the car seat
And out of the car seat
Otherwise there was a tantrum and tears.
And I consoled myself by reminding myself that
Daddy had to get up when he was called for at night
Daddy had to change stinky diapers
Daddy had to do the bed and bath while mom watched Coronation Street
And it was normal.
But my feelings were hurt.

Things have changed.
Mom is now the #1 parent.
I can do no wrong.
Mom plays cars
Mom sings songs
Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom
No Daddy
I want Mom.

And it. feels. awesome.

In other news, I got my period for the first time in close to 2.5 years.
It doesn't feel so awesome.


"Constance-1-M" said...


I know you are lovin' all the lovin'!! Those hugs are so sweet though ~ have fun with your little mini-me!

Constance the Billionth said...

Both my kiddos did that, and it hurt my feelings when they were being sweet and loving, but I didn't mind it one bit when it was in the middle of the night or during a tantrum. My kids cycled much quicker than a year though....it was like every other week so maybe a month was the longest. Enjoy being #1. :)