Wednesday, February 6, 2008

On my mind

Oliver is still going to daycare 2 days a week. I think it's good for him to keep going, since he will go back once I am at work full-time, and socialize and participate in their activities. It's also nice to have some time alone with Tristan. Usually I try and get some housework done, and we go for walks and I usually take the time to go for my swims.

The daycare is really great. The staff are friendly and I get the feeling they genuinely like the kids. I have been really happy with it for the most part. There is only one thing that is bugging me.

The staff in the toddler room where Oliver is are really nice and friendly and do lots of great activities. But they are disorganized. We used to get a daily report of what he did, what he ate, how he slept, etc.... I admit, it was a bit much. I would much rather they take 2 minutes when I pick him up and tell me how his day was. I don't need it written down. But they don't even do that anymore. I pick him up, they say something like "he had a good day" and that's it. Sometimes his coat is on his hook, sometimes I have to rummage around to find it. Same with the boots.

This morning when I dropped him off I was really disappointed. The "manager", we'll call her Dee, came out in her pyjamas.
When she saw Oliver (not in his pyjamas) she said "where are your pj's?!?!"
I said "I didn't know he was supposed to wear them, no one told me."
She said "Didn't you get the letter last week?"
"Seriously, they didn't give you anything? There was a letter for parents last week."
"Nope, otherwise I totally would have put him in his jammies."
Luckily he was wearing jogging pants and a comfy shirt and Robeez, so it's not like he was in jeans or anything, but I was really disappointed.

Dee has told me before that the girls in Oliver's room have gotten in trouble with Sara, the owner, because they are disorganized. And I know they are busy, and I know it's daycare, it's not a huge deal. But it still bugs me.

ETA: I guess it is a biggish deal to me, since it's bugging me so much. I really like the facility and the staff and everything about the place. I just wish these girls could get their shit together.

1 comment:

Constance the Fifth said...

That would bother me too, it is difficult not being informed. Not knowing about pajama day is just annoying, especially since it would have been fun for your son. I'm glad your over-all experience is positive. How long with he be with those teachers? It seems that many day cares have kids transitioning "up" at fairly regular intervals.