Friday, February 15, 2008

Rocky Start

Today is already off to a rocky start. I was up 4 times with Tristan last night (11 pm, 2:45 am, 4:30 am, 5:30 am).

Sidenote: why is it always that as soon as I start thinking that maybe the sleep situation is improving he totally regresses and I am back up every 2-3 hours all night? Seriously. The last few days he was asleep at 7:30, then up once at 2:30 am then not until 6 am. Then last night, surprise! And at 5:30, he was up and ready to play. Which is why he is in the exersaucer and I am on the computer.

Then, to top it off, one of the dogs (Neurotica) took the biggest crap/pile of diarrhea in her crate. So as I am sitting here on the computer all I smell is shit. I was going to wash her bed but it is so nasty I chucked it outside and will get Brad to put it in a garbage bag and dispose of it. The thought of washing the bed and then drying it and having all of the dog hair stuck in the washer (again) and the dryer (again) just made me say fuck it.

I am working today and then hopefully meeting a good friend for lunch, so I hope the day gets better. But I am certainly off to quite the start this morning!

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